Sunday, 1 January 2012

Ichinose or Fidio

Isabella: right I drew this picture and I want to know who it looks more like ICHINOSE or FIDIO! also acepting drawing request

welcome to the endou familey

Endou's little make out session

we'll leave it here before he goes to far

Natsumi: and he would *CENSORED*

Kanon:*fricken scared* (How could grandpa be like that) here's more from Natsumi(OKAY STOP MY EARS)*poor kid*

Isabella:this is my favouite paring Endou Xsccoer ball... I feel so sorry for Kanon *poor kid*

here is Isabella Kazemaru

Isabella: soo sleepy must post...

Kazemaru: You should go to bed

Isabella: No, must post

Isabella: that's a rough of Isabella Kazemaru,she wears the Raimon girl uniform because her mum doesn't let her wear the boys, so she wears the girls but put a black hoddie on top. She is never seen without a pair of headphones and she likes COOKIES!!!!!

Kazemaru: that's what she looks like on, Blogger and all her websites.

Isabella and Hiroto Magnet

Isabella:* Blushing* so this is my drawing of Hiroto and my oc, the light wern't very good our else you would see there mouths slightly open ready for a kiss...

Kazemaru: I'll prepare the army...

already a loner...

Isabella: *sigh* happy new year

Kazemaru: what wrong sis?

Isabella: I tried singing and begin happy and I was ingored, my real life sucks TT_TT I'm a flipping loner in the new year.Great happy so far 2012, can someone make me happy! 


Isabella: Happy new year everbody *danceing*d^.^b